Friday, February 11, 2011

Book and Dessert

We have checked out this very cute bilingual book from the library several times. The book is written mostly in English but very cleverly inserts a Spanish vocabulary word or two on each page. Not to ruin the surprise ending but the animals attempt to make a cake which ends up on the floor. To salvage their dessert, they turn the cake into pineapple upsidedown cake.
The book includes a recipe for pineapple upsidedown cake at the end of the story so the boys and I decided to make it for our dessert.


  1. Good to see you back! The boys have grown quite a bit! The cake looks delicious.

  2. Hey, how's the French coming along for you and the boys? I'm curious!

    By the way, I'm trying to get Griffin enrolled in a preschool (for the fall) at the local immersion (Spanish-English) school so that he's then guaranteed a spot when it's time for kindergarten!


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