Monday, November 30, 2009
Christmas Math- Shapes
Christmas Math- Number Recognition
Colors and shapes
- knows about colors and shapes
- identifies 6 colors
- identifies 4 shapes
Create a two-piece pattern
- creates and understands two-piece patterns
Compare objects
- uses words to make comparisons (bigger, biggest, smaller, smallest, heavier, heaviest, etc.)
- Can count to 20
- Can count a group up to 8 objects
- recognizes numerals 1 - 10
Playing with Our Food- Sugar Cookies
The Art Box- Rocket
Friday, November 27, 2009
Drum roll please.............................
Nativity scene magnets
Let the countdown begin!... Almost
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Toys my children ACTUALLY play with.
1. Leave a comment below about a toy that you would recommend to other Mommies for Christmas. Please include for what age the toy is appropriate.
Additional entries:
2. Follow my blog and leave a comment so that I know that you do. If you are already a follower (Thank you!) please leave a comment telling me so.
3. You will receive TWO more entries if you write a post on your blog about a toy that your child actually plays with and link it up to one of my Thursday post by November 27th. (If you have already linked to me in the past 6 weeks, I will automatically give you 2 entries for each post that you have entered.)
Monday, November 23, 2009
My Sick Boys :(
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Art Box
Nicole at Tired, Need Sleep has started a weekly blog carnival called The Art Box. (Sorry I forgot to mention it in my Great MckLinkys post yesterday!) Anyway, this is a very easy post for me to join in on because this is pretty much what D wants to do EVERYDAY. The idea is that you give your child a bunch of material and let them make whatever their little heart desires. D has been very resistant to doing the crafts that I have planned for him lately. He only wants to make robots or Transformers out of anything and everything. This project started off as a paper plate turkey but D had different plans. I do not give D a certain box from which to create but this day he was so into it that I pretty much gave him free reign of the art closet. My favorite parts of the ROBOT are the 3-D glasses, markers for arms, and the old Cable bill invoice. I am very proud that he is such a creative little boy.
List of Great MckLinkys
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Coming up.....
1. D is obviously turkey-crafted-out! We tried to make a paper plate turkey yesterday and well, you will have to come back on Monday to find out what happened to the poor little guy.
3. I am going to post my Toys my children ACTUALLY play with post on Wednesday morning since Thursday is going to be CRAZY busy. I will be posting about stocking stuffer sized toys that my children play with. You can stick to that theme or post about any toy as usual.
2. Follow my blog and leave a comment so that I know that you do. If you are already a follower (Thank you!) please leave a comment telling me so.
3. You will receive TWO more entries if you write a post on your blog about a toy that your child actually plays with and link it up to one of my Thursday post by November 27th. (If you have already linked to me in the past 6 weeks, I will automatically give you 2 entries for each post that you have entered.)
What my child is reading...
Los Dinosaurios (Mi Pequena Enciclopedia)
Vivió algún dinosaurio cerca de tu casa? (Did any dinosaurs live close to your house?)
This was the very first dinosaur book that we ever owned. I include it because before D I had no idea how to talk about dinosaurs in Spanish. This book helped me a lot with some much needed vocabulary.
Life-sized Dinosaurs
Warning: If your child scares easily, this is NOT the book for you. My mother bought D this book for his birthday last year. Like I have said D is fascinated by dinosaurs and not at all scared. This really is a cool book. It is very large so that they can show pictures of a life-sized T-Rex mouth (it folds out), another dinosaur's claws (the name escapes me but I am sure that D would know), and a dinosaur egg. It even came with a poster of the T-Rex mouth as shown on the cover of the book and D has it above his bed. :)
Danny and the Dinosaur
My mother passed this book on to us recently. There are newer versions but we have the old version written in 1958. I can still remember my mother reading this book to me when I was little. Since the book is in English, my mother saved it and read it to D when she was visiting recently and he LOVED it. It is about a little boy, Danny, who wishes that he could play with a dinosaur while visiting a museum. A dinosaur hears him and comes to life. They leave the museum to play and explore the city. It is a simple book with a lot of repitition so D was able to understand most of it, even though his Spanish skills are still better. I did, however, notice while I was cruising through Amazon that they now have a Spanish version of this book. He may just get it for Christmas.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
P de Pavo
Toys my children ACTUALLY play with.
3D T-Rex Low Top Black with Lights |