Sunday, September 20, 2009

Otoño- Fall

This week were are learning about Otoño (Fall). First we went to the libary and checked out several books which I will post later and today we did our first project.

First we took a walk around the neighborhood and collected hojas (leaves).

We stopped to look at a mariposa (butterfly). D was not in a good mood this morning. He has been kind of moody lately. He usually loves taking walks.

His mood improved greatly and he did enjoy the leaf rubbing project that followed. I didn't take a picture of it, but we first taped all of the leaves (upside down) on the table. Then we covered the table with white butcher paper. If you do not have paperless crayons on hand, removing the paper would be the next step. Luckily D has had this weird obsession with peeling paper since he was little so we were ready to go. Lay the crayons flat and rub until the impression of the leaf comes through.

M decided to help also. :)
I love how it turned out. We are going to use it as a table cloth for the week.....or at least until someone spills something on it. :)

1 comment:

  1. It turned out so pretty! I want to do this sometime this fall too - we are just waiting for our leaves to fall! I'll be looking for your post about the books, I'm always on the lookout for some good recommendations.


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