Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Three Kings Day- El Dia de los Reyes Magos

clipart illustration drawing Star light beams palm trees trees camels dromedary Three Kings Christmas religion

Just when you thought that all holiday celebrations were over...... Tomorrow is Three Kings Day or El Dia de los Magos. This is the day that the Three Wise Men who followed the star for twelve days arrived to see the baby Jesus. In Spain and many parts of Latin America this is an especially exciting day for children since the Three Kings also arrive tonight to bring gifts to the good boys and girls. Traditions vary a little among the different countries but I will let you know what our family does to celebrate. First, the boys will write a letter to the Three Kings much like we did for Santa Claus. Instead of stockings, the children leave out their shoes to receive gifts. We do not leave cookies and milk this time but we do put a little grass in the shoes for the Wise Men's camels. In the morning the boys will run downstairs to find out what the Reyes Magos left for them.

If you are interested in teaching your child a little about Three Kings Day traditions, here is a website from Nick Jr with information and crafts. Not surprisingly, Dora did an episode Dora Saves Three Kings Day and it airs tomorrow at 9:00 and 1:00.



  1. Lucky boys - they get to get their post-Christmas wishes granted once in a while :) I hope they will find something exciting in their shoes tomorrow.

  2. How fun! I love that you leave grass for the camels, that isn't a tradition I had heard of before. Maybe I can get my act together and make a French-style King cake with my kids...

  3. Thank you for sharing this. I have heard of this before, but never really gave it much thought I guess.

    By the way I haven't been ignoring you, I have a lot of blogs to catch up on. Boy breaks can take thier toll!

  4. we did this for the first time this year! they left grass in shoeboxes near their beds and in the morning, the grass was gone and there was a small puzzle for the Princess and a bakugan for the Pea. def. going to watch the Dora movie, too! i think it's important as part of the christian tradition and it gets overlooked!

  5. How very cool! I don't remember this one from Spanish class, I do remember the tradition about going from house to house asking if there's room at the inn, but don't remember what it's called. There are so many cool Christmas traditions from different cultures.


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