Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Evidence of Learning

It is so exciting and rewarding when your children show you what they have learned in their own way. On a (finally) warm day last week, we took our bucket of chalk outside to draw. Diego kept himself very busy while I worked on preparing the garden. After awhile, I came to see what he was up to. He had drawn the ENTIRE Solar System with the Sun, planets, and even some moons. He was able to tell me the names of all of the planets in the correct order until Urano. The largest one that he is touching is the Earth. Even though he knows that it is not the largest, he always draws it that way.

Here is the Earth close up. He explained to me that the blue parts are the oceans and the two white spots are the North Pole (or where Santa and Polar Bears live as he calls it) and Antartica (or where the penguins live.) This thrilled me because we read books and studied about Antartica a few weeks ago and he show minimal interest.

I want our activities to be first and foremost fun but it is pretty nice to know that he is learning something too! ;)


  1. Kids are so creative.... I love his version of Earth :)

  2. I bet that was really rewarding. I was just writing my post for tomorrow and I was pointing out that I was proud when my daughter can remember things that she learned from previous weeks. I can tell that he has a true interest in space as he spontaneously thinks about it.

  3. I agree - this is so rewarding when something clicks, and they are able to digest the information as their own. I love his drawings.

  4. I agree this is the most rewarding part, is when we get to see what they are learning through their eyes, and realize that they actually absorbed the concept!

  5. What a great blog! I am adding this to my blog list!

  6. Felicidades! This is why we decided to stay home, right?!

  7. Congratulations mommy! You're doing an excellent job.

  8. I agree with you completely. This is a wonderful feeling! So rewarding!


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