Monday, December 28, 2009


We just celebrated Christmas and Diego's fourth birthday party in the last three days so I am exhausted. Both turned out great, but I am exhausted. Did I mention that I am exhausted ?? I can't wait to share pictures from both but today my plan is to get my house back into some sort of normal and REST! If you would like to know some the fun ways that we celebrated Christmas in our house this year, check out the article that I wrote for Spanglish baby about our bicultural traditions. If you already read it..... THANK YOU!


  1. I can bet your exhausted! I have a friend who's solution to that was to do a half birthday to spread out the celebrations......

  2. Oh, and don't forget to post pictures of it all.

  3. I cannot imagine having a birthday during Christmas - no wonder that you are exhausted. Enjoy your quiet time, and I am looking forward to pics.

  4. Isn't it such a relief it is all over! I love Christmas, and it was so fun, but now I am happy to be back on a better schedule.

    Have you thought of materials you are going to use as your boys learn to read in Spanish? I'm trying to decide on readers and other good materials to use and thought I would ask you if you had any ideas.


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