Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Math- Counting up to 8

One of the Four Preschool Goals for Math is counting up to 8 objects. I first cut out a Christmas tree from construction paper. Next, I covered the tree with Christmas stickers. You need several of each type of sticker.

Next, I made an "answer sheet" with one of each sticker represented on the tree. D's challenge was to count the stickers on the tree and tell me how many there were. I wrote the numeral on the notecard. So that we could do this activity more than once, I covered the notecard with contact paper and I wrote with a dry-erase marker.


  1. too cute! we will have to try this! i love an activity that uses up stickers--we always have so many! i just put up an activity with stickers and patterning!

  2. I like that this is a bit like an eye spy game as well. You have to search for the stickers that are the same and then count them.

  3. LOVE this idea! I so need to do this.


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